The Ascension, Arpachshad, Joseph and Nahor

Fresco on the east vault of the western gallery 1547-1551


Fresco on the lunette above the arches in the north-west corner of the northern gallery. 1564

The Meeting of Jesus Christ at the Temple, Prophet Zorobabel, Patriarch Jacob and Plutarch

Fresco on the north vault of the northern gallery. 1564

Archangels. 대천사

Fresco in the central drum. 1547-1551

Forefather Noah. 선조 노아

Fresco in the central drum. 1547-1551

Forefather Melchisedec. 선조 멜키세덱

Fresco in the central drum. 1547-1551

Forefather Jacob. 조상 야곱

Fresco in the central drum. 1547-1551

St Luke the Evangelist. 성 누가

Fresco on the north-west squinch arch in the cathedral’s central part. 1547-1551

St Matthew the Evangelist

Fresco on the south-east squinch arch in the cathedral’s central part. 1547-1551

The Mandylion

Fresco on the arch wall between east pillars of the cathedral’s central part. 1547-1551

The Annunciation

Fresco on the west side of the north-west pillar. 1547-1551

Arch painting in the Annunciation Cathedral

View from the east. 1547-1551

The Ascension. 승천

Fresco on the central lunette of the west wall above the choir in the cathedral’s central part. 1547-1551

Raising of Lazarus

Fresco on the southern slope of the arch above the choir, west arm of the cross. 1547-1551

The Communion in the Species of Wine

Fresco of the central apses of the chancel. 1547-1551

Washing the Feet of the Disciples. 제자들의 발을 씻다

Fresco in the chancel. 1547-1551

The Feast in the House of Simon. 시몬의 집에서의 잔치

Fresco on the south wall of the Prothesis. 1547-1551

The Last Supper. 최후의 만찬

Fresco in the chancel. 1547-1551

The Appearance of Christ to the Disciples in Galilee

갈릴리에서 제자들에게 나타난 그리스도의 모습

Fresco of the central apses of the chancel. 1547-1551

The Appearance of Christ to the Apostles at the Sea of Tiberias

Fresco of the central apses of the chancel. 1547-1551

The Communion in the Species of Bread

Fresco of the central apses of the chancel. 1547-1551

St Basil the Great

Fresco in the conch of the Diaconicon. 1547-1551

Life of St Basil the Great

Fresco on the north wall of the Diaconicon. 1547-1551

St Basil the Great before Julian the Apostate

Fresco on the north wall of the Diaconicon. 1547-1551

Woman Falls Down before St Basil the Great

Fresco on the north wall of the Diaconicon. 1547-1551

Forty Martyrs of Sebaste. 40명의 순교자

Fresco of the "Apocalypse" cycle on the northern vault under the choir. 1547-1551

Seven Sleepers of Ephesus

Fresco of the "Apocalypse" cycle on the northern vault under the choir. 1547-1551

Three Young Men in the Fiery Furnace

Fresco of the "Apocalypse" cycle on the northern vault under the choir. 1547-1551

Procession of the Righteous Men to the Gates of Heaven

Fresco of the "Apocalypse" cycle on the southern wall. 1547-1551

Satan with the Soul of Judas

Fresco of the "Apocalypse" cycle on the western wall. 1547-1551

Earth and Water Returning the Dead

Fresco of the "Apocalypse" cycle on the northern wall. 1547-1551

Constantine and Helena. Fresco. 1547-1551

Boris and Gleb. Fresco. 1547-1551

Vladimir Monomach and Yaroslav Vsevolodovich

Fresco. 1547-1551

Alexander Nevsky and Ivan Kalita

Fresco. 1547-1551

Dmitry Donskoy and Vassily I

Fresco. 1547-1551

St George and the Dragon

Fresco. 1547-1551

St Zosimus Gives Communion to St Mary of Egypt

Fresco. 1547-1551

The New Testament Trinity

Fresco. 1547-1551

[영상] Putin Visits Famous Cathedral of the Annunciation to Receive Blessing From Patriarch


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