블라고베쉔스키 사원 (성모수태고지 성당) 내부의 Iconostasis

성모수태고지 성당의 아이콘은 6 단계, 즉 Veneration, Menaion, Deisis, Festive, Prophets 및 

아래에서 위로 배치된 약 100개의 아이콘으로 구성된다. 

고대에는 많은 아이콘이 북쪽과 남쪽 벽의 일부를 차지하기 때문에 오늘날보다 더 많은 아이콘이있었다. 

아이콘은 14세기 말에서 15세기 초까지 러시아 교회의 초점이 되었다. 

러시아 문화가 번성했던 시기, 즉 14 ~ 15세기의 전환기에 만들어진 이 아이콘은 

모스크바의 아이콘 페인팅의 주요 기념비라 할 수 있다.

블라고베시첸스키 사원을 방문한 푸틴대통령 부부

러시아 최고의 화가 안드레이 류블로프가 그린 가브리엘 천사

안드레이 류블로프가 그린 예수 탄생

Saint Simeon Stylites

Icon from the Deisis tier of the main iconostasis

Moscow, 16th century; overpaint - 17th century

The Great Martyr George

Icon from the Deisis tier of the main iconostasis. 15th century

St Demetrius of Thessaloniki

Icon from the Deisis tier of the main iconostasis. 15th century

Daniel the Stylite. 다니엘

Icon from the Deisis tier of the main iconostasis

Moscow, 16th century; overpaint - 17th century

The Proofing of the Apostle Thomas. 사도 도마의 증거

Icon from the Feast tier of the main iconostasis. Moscow, 1660s

The Crucifixion, with Border Scenes of the Passion of Christ

Icon from the central part of the Annunciation Cathedral

Moscow, second half of the 16th century


Icon from the Menaion tier of the main iconostasis

Moscow school, end of the 14th – beginning of the 15th century

Our Lady Hodegetria

Icon from the Menaion tier of the main iconostasis

Byzantine (?), 14th century

Our Lady of Smolensk

Icon from the Menaion tier of the main iconostasis

Moscow, 16th century

The Poemen Icon of Our Lady

Icon and silver cover from the Menaion tier of the main iconostasis

Moscow, 16th century

Our Lady of Vladimir

Icon from the Menaion tier of the main iconostasis

Moscow, end of the 14th – beginning of the 15th century

The Virgin Galaktotrophousa (the Milk-Giver)

Icon from the Menaion tier of the main iconostasis

Moscow, end of the 16th - beginning of the 17th century

Prophet Abbakum

Icon and cover from the iconostasis of the chapel dedicated to the Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel

Moscow, painting - 1560s; icon cover - 16th century

Prophet Jeremiah. 예언자 예레미야

Icon and cover from the iconostasis of the chapel dedicated to the Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel

Moscow, painting - 1560s; icon cover - 16th century

Prophet Moses. 선지자 모세

Icon and cover from the iconostasis of the chapel dedicated to the Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel

Moscow, painting - 1560s; icon cover - 16th century

Prophet Daniel. 선지자 다니엘

Icon and cover from the iconostasis of the chapel dedicated to the Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel

Moscow, painting - 1560s; icon cover - 16th century

Mother of God Enthroned with Child Jesus and prophets David and Solomon

아기 예수와 선지자 다윗과 솔로몬과 함께 하는 성모

Icon and cover from the iconostasis of the chapel dedicated to the Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel

Moscow, 1560s

Prophet Isaiah. 예언자 이사야

Icon and cover from the iconostasis of the chapel dedicated to the Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel

Moscow, 1560s

Prophet Micah. 예언자 미가

Icon and cover from the iconostasis of the chapel dedicated to the Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel

Moscow, painting - 1560s; icon cover - 16th century

Prophet Jonah. 예언자 요나

Icon and cover from the iconostasis of the chapel dedicated to the Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel

Moscow, painting - 1560s; icon cover - 16th century

Prophet Zachariah. 예언자 즈가랴

Icon and cover from the iconostasis of the chapel dedicated to the Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel

Moscow, painting - 1560s; icon cover - 16th century

he Nativity of Christ; St Nicholas the Miracle-Worker

Two-part icon and cover from the iconostasis of the chapel dedicated to the Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel

Moscow, painting - 1560s; icon cover - 16th century

Presentation of Christ in the Temple; Peter the Apostle. 성전에서 그리스도와 사도 베드로

Two-part icon and cover from the iconostasis of the chapel dedicated to the Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel

Moscow, painting - 1560s; icon cover - 16th century

Theophany; Archangel Michael. 대천사 미가엘

Two-part icon and cover from the iconostasis of the chapel dedicated to the Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel

Moscow, painting - 1560s; cover - 16th century

The Raising of Lazarus; The Holy Virgin. 동정녀

Two-part icon and cover from the iconostasis of the chapel dedicated to the Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel

Moscow, painting - 1560s; icon cover - 16th century

Christ Pantocrator; The Entry into Jerusalem; Transfiguration. 예루살렘 입성

Three-part icon and cover from the iconostasis of the chapel dedicated to the Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel

Moscow, painting - 1560s; icon cover - 16th century

The Crucifixion; St John the Precursor. 십자가에 못 박히심; 선지자 요한

Two-part icon and cover from the iconostasis of the chapel dedicated to the Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel

Moscow, painting - 1560s; icon cover - 16th century

The Descent into Hell; Archangel Gabriel. 대천사 가브리엘.

Two-part icon and cover from the iconostasis of the chapel dedicated to the Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel

Moscow, painting - 1560s; icon cover - 16th century

30. The Ascension; Peter the Apostle. 승천; 사도 베드로

Two-part icon and cover from the iconostasis of the chapel dedicated to the Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel

Moscow, painting - 1560s; icon cover - 16th century

The Descent of the Holy Spirit; St John Chrysostom

Two-part icon and cover from the iconostasis of the Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel Chapel

Moscow, painting - 1560s; icon cover - 16th century

The Good Thief

Door with icon from the iconostasis of the chapel dedicated to the Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel

Moscow, painting - 1560s; icon cover - 16th century

Our Lady of Smolensk

Icon and cover from the iconostasis of the chapel dedicated to the Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel

Moscow, painting - 1560s; partial overpaint - 17th century

The Holy Doors

Originated from the iconostasis of the chapel dedicated to the Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel

Moscow, painting – second half of the 16th century; icon cover - 16th century

Canopy of the Holy Doors with the images of the Trinity, Eucharist and two Angels

Originated from the iconostasis of the chapel dedicated to the Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel

Moscow, 1560s

Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel. 대천사 가브리엘의 Synaxis

Icon and cover from the iconostasis of the Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel Chapel

Moscow, painting - 1560s; icon cover - 16th century

Synaxis of the Most Holy Theotokos

Icon and cover from the iconostasis’ Veneration tier of the chapel dedicated to the Synaxis of the Most Holy Theotokos

Moscow, 16th century

The Nativity of Christ. 그리스도의 탄생

Icon from the iconostasis’ Veneration tier of the chapel dedicated to the Synaxis of the Most Holy Theotokos

Moscow, first quarter of the 15th century

Forty Martyrs of Sebaste. 40명의 순교자

Icon and cover from the iconostasis’ Veneration tier of the chapel dedicated to the Synaxis of the Most Holy Theotokos

Moscow, painting - 1560s; overpaint - 17th century (?), icon cover - 16th century

The Raising of Lazarus, and the Holy Virgin

Two-part icon and cover from the iconostasis of the chapel dedicated to the Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel

Moscow, painting - 1560s; icon cover - 16th century

St John the Precursor

Icon and cover of the iconostasis’ Veneration tier from the chapel dedicated to the Entry into Jerusalem in the Annunciation Cathedral

Moscow, painting - 1560s; icon cover - 16th century.

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