
Detail of copper gates of the west entry

Second half of the 16th-17th centuries

Iron, copper; forging, gold inlay

Prophet Habakkuk. 예언자 하박국

Detail of copper gates of the north entry. 북쪽 구리 게이트 입구의 세부 사항

Second half of the 16th-17th centuries. Iron, copper; forging, gold inlay

Detail of copper gates of the north entry

Second half of the 16th-17th centuries

Iron, copper; forging, gold inlay

Prophet Aaron. 예언자 아론

Detail of copper gates of the north entry

Second half of the 16th-17th centuries

Iron, copper; forging, gold inlay

Prophet Daniel. 예언자 다니엘

Detail of copper gates of the north entry

Second half of the 16th-17th centuries

Iron, copper; forging, gold inlay

Prophet Gideon. 선지자 기드온

Detail of copper gates of the north entry

Second half of the 16th-17th centuries

Iron, copper; forging, gold inlay

Prophet Moses. 선지자 모세

Detail of copper gates of the north entry

Second half of the 16th-17th centuries

Iron, copper; forging, gold inlay


Detail of copper gates of the north entry

Second half of the 16th-17th centuries

Iron, copper; forging, gold inlay

Ancient Greek philosophers. 고대 그리스 철학자

Detail of copper gates of the north entry

Second half of the 16th-17th centuries

Iron, copper; forging, gold inlay

The Appearance of the Archangel Michael. 대천사 미가엘의 모습

Detail of copper gates of the north entry

Second half of the 16th-17th centuries

Iron, copper; forging, gold inlay

Ancient Greek philosophers. 고대 그리스 철학자

Detail of copper gates of the north entry

Second half of the 16th-17th centuries

Iron, copper; forging, gold inlay

 South gallery. General view

South portal. 남쪽 포털

Late 15th century. White stone, plaster. Reconstructed in 1949

15세기 후반. 흰 돌, 석고. 1949 년에 재건

Main iconostasis of the Annunciation Cathedral

Main iconostasis of the Annunciation Cathedral

Fragment of the Veneration, Deisis and Feast tiers

Iconostasis of the Annunciation Cathedral

Fragment of the Veneration tier: an icon of the Saviour of Smolensk and the Four-Part icon.

The Holy Doors of the main iconostasis in the Annunciation Cathedral. Moscow, 1818

Detail of the iconostasis facing

Moscow, 1896. The firm of I.P. Khlebnikov

 Frame of the Deisis tier of the iconostasis

Fragment. Mid-19th century

Frame of the Deisis tier of the iconostasis

Fragment. Mid-19th century

Frame of the Deisis tier of the iconostasis

Fragment. Mid-19th century

Floor in the Annunciation Cathedral. Fragment. 성모수태고지 성당 바닥

대성당에서 흥미로운 대상은 마노와 재스퍼가 포함된 작은 크기의 부싯돌로 만들어진 매우 아름다운 바닥이다.

이 바닥은 이미 17세기 중반 대성당에 설치되었다는 기록이 있다. 

Candela. Rostov, 1692

Candela. Rostov, 1692

Candela. Rostov, 1692

Candela. Rostov, 1692

Candela. Russia, end of the 18th century

Candela. Russia, beginning of the 19th century

Candela. Russia, 1835

Workshop of Iona Grigorievich Kouznetsov

The southern annex housing a range of Christian relics. 다양한 기독교 유적이 있는 남부 별관

North-west view. 북서쪽 장면

Reliquary Shrine. Reliquary의 무덤

Moscow, 1894. Factory of A.M. Postnikov

 Detail of a side panel of the reliquary shrine. Reliquary 무덤의 측면 세부 사항

Moscow, 1894. Factory of A.M. Postnikov

Candleholder. 촛대

Moscow, 1894. Factory of A.M. Postnikov

Candleholder. 촛대

Moscow, 1894. Factory of A.M. Postnikov

Shrine with the relics of Archimandrite Kumnenos

Moscow Kremlin Workshops, 1625

Shrine with the relics of St Daniel the Prophet, St Athenogenes, Pr. -M. and St James the Persian

선지자 성 다니엘의 유물이 있는 신사, St Athenogenes, Pr. -미디엄. 페르시아인 세인트 제임스

Moscow Kremlin Workshops, 1599. 모스크바 크렘린 워크샵, 1599

Shrine with the relics of St John the Merciful, St Martyr Eleutherius and Venerable Martyr Theodosia

성 요한 자비의 성전, 성 순교자 엘레우테리우스 및 유서 깊은 순교자 테오도시아

Moscow Kremlin Workshops, 1604. 모스크바 크렘린 워크샵, 1604

Shrine with the relics of St Stephen the Archdeacon. 성 스테반의 유물과 신사

Moscow Kremlin Workshops, beginning of the 17th century. 17세기 초 모스크바 크렘린 워크숍

Shrine with the relics of St Titus the Apostle, St Spyridon, St Cosmas and St Mammas the Martyr 

Moscow Kremlin Workshops, 1603

Shrine with the relics of St Mark, the Apostle and Evangelist and St Gregory of Decapolis

Moscow Kremlin Workshops, 1603

Shrine with the relics of St Anne and St Barbara

Moscow Kremlin Workshops, 1603

Shrine with the relics of St Cyprian, Pr. - M., and St Acepsimus, Bp. -M.

Moscow Kremlin Workshops, 1605

Shrine with the relics of Great Martyr Mercurius

Moscow Kremlin Workshops, 1633


Moscow, third quarter of the 16th century


Moscow, third quarter of the 16th century


Moscow, third quarter of the 16th century


Moscow, third quarter of the 16th century

Platband end (Fragment)

Moscow, third quarter of the 16th century

Detail of an entablement

Moscow, third quarter of the 16th century

Processional double-sided Cross with depictions of the Feasts and the Selected Saints

Moscow, mid-16th century

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