12사도 사원(The Patriarch's Palace and The Twelve Apostles' Church)

Southern facade. 남부 외관

5개의 아름다운 돔이 은으로 덮혀 이목을 사로잡는 이 건물은 1655년 건축된 것으로 

1681년에 이르러서야 12사도 사원이라는 공식 명칭이 붙게 되었다. 

오랜 시간 동안 러시아 정교회 건물로서 종교행사를 위한 목적으로 사용되어 왔으나 러시아의 관광자원 개발에 따라 

1963년부터 그 용도를 바꿔 응용미술, 보석, 가구 등을 전시하는 전시관으로 그 역할을 해내고 있다. 

특히 17세기의 응용미술 작품은 700점 이상 전시되어 가장 인기있는 전시품목이 되었다.

12사도 사원(The Patriarch's Palace and The Twelve Apostles' Church)

Northeastern facade. 북동부 외관

12사도 사원(The Patriarch's Palace and The Twelve Apostles' Church)

Eastern facade. 동부 외관

12사도 사원은 5개의 아름다운 돔이 은으로 덮혀 있다.

12사도 사원 출입문

12사도 사원 내부

12사도 사원 내부

12사도 사원 내부의 이코노시스타시(Iconostasis)

One-Pillar Chamber of the Patriarch's Palace

Exposition "Two Centuries of British Fashion from the collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum ". 2008

17th-century artworks. Exposition in the Cross Chamber of the Patriarch`s Palace

Decorative embroidery of the 17th century

Display area in the living quarters

Metropolitan Jonah Founding the Palace in 1450 (left). 

Metropolitan Zosimas Founding the Palace in 1493 (right).

Plan of the Kremlin acc to the Godunov’s Map, 1605.

Avraamy Palitsyn announces the election of the first tsar from the Romanov dynasty in the Chamber of the Cross

Miniature from the ‘Book on Election to the Supreme Royal Russian Throne of the Great Sovereign, 

Tsar and Grand Prince Mikhail Feodorovich, Sole Ruler of All Great Russia.’

Moscow, 1672-1673.

Patriarch Filaret

Fragment of a miniature from the Tsar’s Book of Ranks, 1672.

Plan of the Patriarch’s Palace

Made by Antipa Konstantinov in the age of Patriarch Joseph, 1643.

Patriarch Nikon

Fragment of a miniature from the Tsar’s Book of Ranks, 1672.

One of the first images of the Patriarch’s Palace and the Church of the Twelve Apostles

Miniature from the ‘Book on Election to the Supreme Royal Russian Throne of the Great Sovereign, 

Tsar and Grand Prince Mikhail Feodorovich, Sole Ruler of All Great Russia.’

Moscow, 1672-1673.

Painted metal door.

The third floor of the Patriarch’s Palace, 17th century.

Southern façade of the Patriarch’s Palace with the Twelve Apostles’ Church. 1851 draft

View of the Chudov Monastery, ‘Ivan the Great’ Bell Tower, Twelve Apostles’ Church, 

Armoury Chamber’s former building, and Tsar Cannon. Watercolour, 1846

Twelve Apostles’ Church, top view. Late 19th-century photography

View on the Patriarch’s Palace with the Church of the Twelve Apostles 

and Chudov Monastery. Photograph, beginning of the 20th century

 View on the Church of the Twelve Apostles and the Patriarch’s Palace. 

Postcard, late 19th - early 20th c.

Church of the Twelve Apostles and the former building of the Armoury Chamber 

through the artillery fire of 1917. Photograph, 1918.

View from Cathedral Square on the Church of the Twelve Apostles 

and the Patriarch’s Palace. Photograph, the 1920s.

Southern facade of the Patriarch's Palace with the Twelve Apostles' Church

View from Cathedral Square

Southern facade of the Patriarch's Palace

View from the Church of the Deposition of the Virgin’s Robe

North-eastern facade of the Twelve Apostles' Church with altar apsides

View from the north-east facade

Arched northern arched gallery of the Twelve Apostles' Church, decorated with ornamented tiles

Northern façade


1. Entrance to the Patriarch's Palace

2. Small anteroom

3. Ceremonial antechamber

4. Refectory

5. The Twelve Apostles' Church

6. Iconostasis

7, 8. Prikaz (Administrative) Chambers

9. Cross Chamber

10. Furnace for preparing chrism

Exposition in the Cross Chamber of the Patriarch`s Palace

Stove for making chrism

Kadka (tub)

Vessel for chrism

Exposition of artistic embroidery of the XVIIth century in the Patriarch's Palace's refectory

Showcase 13. Embroidery of the late XVIth – early XVIIth century

Showcase 14. Embroidery of the first half of the XVIIth century

Showcase 15. Embroidery of the first half of the XVIIth century

Showcase 16. Embroidery of the second half of the XVIIth century

Showcase 17. Ornamental embroidery of the XVIIth century

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